Friday, December 2, 2016

Historical Background

From Italy to England ( 1485 - 1660)

Resultado de imagen de english renaissance

What does"Renaissance" mean?
English Renaissance in England happened much later than in Italy.

  • Due to:
Hundred Years' War (Ended 1453)
War of the Roses (ended 1485)

  • English Renaissance, considered the flowering of the drama.
  • Histories, comedies and tragedies.
  • Important playwrights: William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, and John Webster.
  • The invention of the printing press allowed these new ideas to spread quickly through Europe.
  • Period not just about Britain...there were many changes over the world:

1492: Columbus lands in Western Hemisphere.
1503: Leonardo de Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
1514: Ponce de León explores Florida.
1604: Spain - part I of Don Quixote published.
1620: North America - Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock.

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